Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spoiled and Fat

We are all in this together, but I believe the union people today in Madison are acting like spoiled brats!
Globalization has changed the world’s economy.  Don’t try to keep living with your head in the sand.
As a businessman, I’m now competing with others around the world.  My income is way down, but my costs keep going up – especially my health insurance!
Public workers had it good when the U.S. economy was booming.   Now that the economy is suffering, everyone has to work together and accept a lower standard of living.  
Claiming they are under unfair attack is childish, selfish, and over-emotional.  Look at the big picture and get over it!.
Government is in financial crisis because the majority of us choose convenience and buy cheap imported stuff at the big box stores.  We have all chosen to export our jobs and our money, now we are facing the results.  Thinking that a union can maintain an old way of life in a new global marketplace is out of touch with reality.

We cannot pay artificially high wages to public employees and continue to furnish the lavish benefit packages of the past. 

We need immediate action and results.  Union workers need to stop playing the victim and be part of the solution.  

As a business owner, government regulations and taxes are an extreme burden.  We are buried in multiple layers of laws and ordinances – enforced by hordes of poorly trained & supervised beaurocrats all just thinking about protecting their own jobs.  Incompetent government services and waste are seen every day – frustrating people that have to do excellent work for their customers – or you don’t get paid.   No Sympathy from me!

Some government services are good and needed and others not so much.  We elected Scott Walker and other republicans to make some changes – he is taking action!

Now the Media reports a representative is saying the Madison protests are the same as the protests in Egypt.  Get Real.  Egyptian people make a few dollars a day.  Union workers make way more than their fair share in today’s global marketplace.  So Spoiled and Fat.
And the Senate Democrats are not showing up to work to avoid a vote….    
Sad day in Wisconsin!

Everybody is acting stupid – we should be working together to build back up our local economy – not tear each other apart.

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